Virgin Experience Days
  • 12 Week Tailored Cycle Training Plan with 1-1 Coaching.

12 Week Tailored Cycle Training Plan with 1-1 Coaching.



Transform your cycling today with Healthy Living Fitness’s bespoke 12 Week Cycle Training Plan, complete with 1-1 coaching.

Beginning with a tailored consultation, fill out a questionnaire to enable your coach to understand your overall health, nutritional history and current lifestyle. You’ll create a Healthy Living Fitness’s TrainingPeaks profile, where all your future workouts will be loaded to and available to transfer to your Garmin and Zwift. After analysing the questionnaire, your coach will provide you with a training block of four weeks to show how to improve your training.

You’ll also receive 1-1 feedback with your coach to ensure the plan is working for you and if not, to make changes based on your feedback.

For 1
9 Months

What's Included

  • After voucher activation, you will have access to:
  • 12 Week Cycle Training Plan with 1-1 Coaching from Healthy Living Fitness
  • 1-1 coaching with feedback
  • SMART goals with regular review and details of key sessions per week
  • Advanced Power Analysis and Performance Modelling

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